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Parenthood Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Nipple Confusion

Jasmine is pumping her breasts in the hope that Aida will take the bottle and she can get some sleep.

Sarah is taking photos of animals.

Kristina feels like she’s on fire with Heather as her campaign manager.

Drew is locked out of his dorm room and walks in on Amber and Ryan getting busy.

Zeek buys a 1965 Pontiac GTO convertible coupe that needs a lot of work.

Victor’s teacher tells Joel and Julia that he should probably repeat the fourth grade, but they decide to refocus their home studying efforts instead.

Adam arranges for Sarah to do head shots for Kristina’s campaign.

Jasmine tries to take a bath, but Aida starts crying.

Adam is very stressed out over the amount of money they are spending on Kristina’s campaign, but she insists they will be reimbursed.

Julia overreacts to the conversation about holding Victor back.

Drew’s college dorm room is fully coed.

Kristina doesn’t want Sarah to take her campaign photos.

Hank tells Sarah people don’t take her seriously because they know her and she’s flighty.

Crosby is still struggling with his lack of bonding with Aida.

Sarah’s photo shoot with Kristina is hectic with Heather, Max and Nora in the room.

Camille continues to push Zeek about selling the house.

Sarah goes to Hank for advice with Kristina’ photos.

Ryan and Amber go to Drew’s to have a chat with his roommate.

Julia tells Joel she wants to hold Victor back.

Joel and Julia have a severe disagreement over Victor.

Kristina tells Adam she feels like she got ahead of herself with the campaign, but she doesn’t necessarily mean it.

Drew gets a girl into his room and plays scrabble with her.

Julia gives working with Victor another try.

Crosby gets Aida to successfully take a bottle.

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