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Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Chapter Six: Scars

Imogen and Tabby come to terms with the fact that they were both assaulted.

They have no idea who it was, or the motive, and decide to go to Rosewood with the aim of getting answers about Angela's family.

First, they meet some dude named Creepy Joe, who says that the moms all terrorized Angela to the point she killed herself.

He also reveals Angela was sexually assaulted prior to her death.

At Rosewood, the girls learn that Eddie Lamb is the key to all the answers.

They go to extremes to find him and he says everyone moved to Riverdale when the Radley shut down.

Back in Rosewood, Faran is determined to get back at her mother, but it all comes to a head when Shirley is caught up in a car crash.

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