Teresa Mendoza took one rare day off on Queen of the South Season 4 Episode 7.
All Teresa wanted was one day to get away from the business, spend time with her new boyfriend, and get to meet his old bandmates.
Given Teresa's track record, it should come as a shock to no one that her plan went horribly wrong.

For many people, the thought of living in a nice home with a pretty garden is attainable, to some, it probably sounds kind of boring.
But for Teresa, it is one of her ultimate fantasies because it is so far out of reach.
Related: Queen of the South's Alice Braga Talks Spoilers, Romance, and Bodyguards
It must have felt nice to hang with Eddie's friends and be introduced as his girlfriend, the woman who owns a bar and a small tequila distillery.
It was all true, but it left out the part about running her own drug empire.

Or the sicario who had followed Teresa from New Orleans.
Like Teresa, I wondered why the hitman didn't shoot her as he'd had multiple chances to kill her quickly during this trip.
But whoever hired him wanted Teresa to die slowly, and unfortunately, the man died before he ever got to confirm whether his boss was Cortez or someone else.
Could it be someone else? There are certainly other options. Camila, Isabel, Rocco de la Pena, the alternate banker in Europe, and probably several more I haven't even considered. Teresa has made her share of enemies.

What was impressive was that Teresa managed to take down the hitman all on her own without Pote, or George, or Javier's help.
But I don't understand how she managed to con Eddie into believing the only drama she experienced during his concert was that she slipped in the bathroom.
Maybe that explained the black eye, but shouldn't Teresa have bruises on her neck from almost being stranged, and what happened to the blood pouring out of the man's neck as Teresa sliced it open with the broken glass.
And then there's the question of what happened to the dead man. He was large! Teresa couldn't have moved his dead weight on her own, so what explanation was given for a murder backstage at the jazz concert?

Those are some rather large missing plot points that we have to overlook for all of this to make sense.
But Teresa wasn't the only one who found that business and romance simply don't mix.
Javier's plan was flawed from the start.
Did finding out that Rene was Judge LaFayette's nephew make that much of a difference because before he heard the news, he seemed content with letting the man's corpse eventually be found in the trunk of that car.
And after two weeks in a trunk in the Louisianna heat, Rene's body must have already been badly decomposed.

Emilia: You are both killers and I’m a fool for believing you both. Oh God, what did I get myself in to?
🔗 permalink: You are both killers and I’m a fool for believing you both. Oh God, what did I get myself in…
Poor Emelia. Yes, she was a fool to think that a love affair with Javier would mean this business wouldn't touch her, but I still felt for her.
Javier is charming, smarter than Boaz, and takes less joy in violence, but his go-to problem-solving solution is still murder.
Between Javier leaving a trail of bodies and his fingerprints everywhere, and Emelia dropping her earring at the crime scene and busting that tail light, I fear the end may be near for both of them.
I just hope they don't take Teresa down with them.

Ever since his parents got killed, Tony has gotten bounced around, so the fact that he's having issues coping with all of the loss and changes in his life isn't surprising, but I do wish he'd talk to Teresa or Kelly Anne about having overheard that Pote killed his father.
Tony: These people aren’t my family, you are. You say we’ve only got each other and then you’re always dumping me somewhere.
Teresa: I’m not dumping you. I trust Pote with my life.
Tony: If you say so.
🔗 permalink: …you’re always dumping me somewhere.
It must be confusing to find out that the man who has gone out of his way to protect you and be kind to you is also the hitman who was ordered to murder your father.
Tony had a fixation about walking in his father's footstep before he overheard Pote, but now it's possible that the teenager wants to replace Pote as Teresa's protector. I got the feeling that Tony's new fixation with video games was as much fantasizing about that as it was an outlet for his anger.
One of the problems with violent video games is that they don't teach you to respect the weapon or what it means to take a life.
It was clear that Tony was feeling a little cocky about his abilities until Pote took him out hunting.
Pote: Part of taking a life is dealing with the aftermath. This is not one of your video games. This is nasty, this is dirty, it’s real and you need to see that.
🔗 permalink: Part of taking a life is dealing with the aftermath. This is not one of your video games….
The smell and sights of real death are much different than what you can experience in a game.

I wasn't shocked that Tony pulled the gun on Pote, but I was a little surprised that he did it while the man was sleeping.
To Pote's credit, he never moved, never flinched, and probably would have taken that bullet if Tony had decided to pull the trigger.
Now I'm left wondering if Tony and Pote will ever discuss this incident, the death of Tony's father, or if they'll both just keep silent.
So what do you think TV Fanatics?
Is Teresa's romance with Eddie really over? Are Javier and Emelia going to get caught? And will Tony try to kill Pote again?
Check back for my upcoming exclusive interview with actor Hemky Madera who plays Pote, and my review of Queen of the South Season 4 Episode 8.
Until then, you can watch Queen of the South online here at TV Fanatic.