Chickie: I learned a word in the military. Deference. It means respect.
Dwight: Military. You talking about Dickson Academy?
Chickie: Yeah.
Dwight: It's a military school.
Chickie: I was a rank cadet.
Dwight: A pair of epaulettes doesn't make you George Washington. You know that, right?

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Tulsa King Season 1 Episode 5: "Token Joe"
Tulsa King
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Tulsa King Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes, Tulsa King Quotes
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Tulsa King Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jo: You comin' to the mass tomorrow?
Dwight: I'd like to say somethin' at the mass.
Jo: No, I don't think that's a good idea.

Joanne: He was just tryin' to help.
Tina: Right. Because the first person I thought of when I needed help was my dad.