Parenting almost makes the campaign look easy, huh?


Okay, this vervain stings like a bitch and this family drama makes the prospect of Hell look like Disneyland. So, please, one swift stab straight through the heart. Let's get this over with.


I don't want to not live because I'm afraid of not living.


Gibbs: Then how? You and Palmer were the last to see the dry cleaner alive.
Ed: Yeah, but you know we didn't do it. [pause] Don't you?

Ingrid: Why are you here? You could have run.
Young Eli: I belong here.

Teresa: There’s only one person who profits off of us at war.
Marcel: The judge.
Teresa: The only way for people like him to stay in power is to keep people like us at each other’s throats.
Marcel: Slavemaster mentality. Ain’t a new thing around here.

So you’re stepping out on me already?


I f-ed up okay - I so f-ed up, but please don't put me out on the streets. Help me believe in love.


The hardest stories to cover are the ones you care most about.


Ehmet: I don't know how to thank you. You saved my life.
Mara: We saved each other.

So I get you the whole female complement up on your stay list, all of a sudden the boys think twice about turning tail.


Money like that changes people.
