Quinn: I don't care if my baby comes out with a mohawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.
Puck: It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a mohawk.

Solomon: I just remembered something you said when we were kids.
Co-Worker: What was that?
Solomon: You said your father told you that Koreans must've been raised by dogs. Why else would we shove our faces into our bowls instead of picking them up like you?

Cary: If you don't want to fuck yourself, how is someone going to want to fuck you, my man?
Joe voiceover: Oh, of course. Cary is Cary-sexual.

Tory: LaRusso, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk.
Sam: About what?
Tory: You didn't lose the All Valley.

Matt: You believe me, don't you?
John: Yeah, sure.
Matt: Like when you believed I molested my comatose wife.

I'll steer her away. You look after your end, Evie.


Great! The fate of the world comes down to a lunatic.


We're having a Coterie baby!


Every moment Fugitive Zero stays at large gives the Unwanted hope. And hope has no purpose here.


Ward: Where's your side arm?
May: If I need a gun, I'll take one.
Ward: Right, I forgot I was working with "The Calvary."
May: Don't ever call me that.

After four years here, I'm finally comfortable helping myself to the nurses' muffin basket... Mmmmm! Blueberry-cran-carrot-zucchini-poppyseed-chocolate chip!

J.D.'s Narration

Hank: He's a real life zombie......that dabbles in cannibalism.
Evan: How do you DABBLE IN cannibalism, with a spoon?