Jack: Tracy and I have become quite close. Look, we got BFF bracelets.
Liz: You guys are best friends forever?
Jack: That's not what that stands for.

As mom used to say, you can't eat love.


Jake: Can you at least try to be nice, for me?
Rob: Okay. I'll be nice.

Jackson: Confession.
Shawn: Yeah.
Jackson: From a dead man. That makes it look like we coerced him into saying something. That ties us into his murder. Did you think about that?

MARK: "What do do you consider your weaknesses?"
ADDISON: "I don't have any. I'm that good. What are yours?"
MARK: "I'm an easy mark for evil redheads."

Narrator: The family continued to chant "speech, speech, speech" for no one in particular.
(clapping ceases)
Michael: Gee, after all that, I was kinda hoping somebody would make a speech.
Buster: Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!
Michael: I'll say something.
Gob: Typical.

Piper: She's issued a Fatwa against me. I think I'm gonna have to fight her.
Larry: What?
Piper: How am I going to fight an old Russian lady with back problems?

Tracy: I need a hundred thousand dollars, or I'm gonna lose both my houses.
Jack: Tracy, I don't understand. You've starred in 14 films; you don't have any money saved?
Tracy: No, I lost all of it.
Jack: Really? Who's your money manager?
Tracy: Grizz.
Grizz: Worldcom, man. Worldcom.

Cartman: I love that song, mom. Sing it again.
Liane Cartman: No honey, mommy's got to save her throat. I have to work tonight.

Savannah Walker: If you weren't a cop, what would you be?
Chin Ho Kelly: Jazz trumpet.
Savannah Walker: Really? Like Miles Davis?
Chin Ho Kelly: Well, there's only one Miles Davis. Maybe that's why I became a cop.

"I'm a surgeon, I don't have any friends."


Sheldon: We're only watching Game of Thrones. A party sub implies it's a party.
Leonard: Your attendance implies it's not.