Elena: What was that?
Damon: Uh it's my audition tape for Real World London. Fingers crossed, I think I'm gonna make it!

Sir Malcolm: Miss Ives was the last link to who I was. I must find out who I am yet going to be. Oh, I will miss her to my bones. Will you stay, Ethan?
Ethan: You're my family.

Elliot: Great. Why did you do that?
Paul: You know, Elliot, what I do for a living, it doesn't make me feel like I'm any less of a man. Neither does my love of baking... or gardening... or the fact that I occasionally menstruate.

She will find you and you will die with a sweet kiss on your lips and eternal darkness in your soul.


Pity… no stars… I hoped there’d be stars…

The Doctor

He loves her.


Konstantin: So Helene? You want to kill her?
Villanelle: Yes. Helene first, and then the rest of them. You know, I tried killing other people’s assholes, but charity begins at home.

Homer: I want to eat at Moe's express.
Marge: The last time you ate there, you spent three nights at the mall jail.
Homer: That was last week and you're still bringing it up!

Dwight: Hit him! Hit him, Chicken.
Ryan: Yeah, punch him.
Michael: Hey hey! Come on, Ryan, who's side are you on?
Dwight: Ryan. Come on, man?
Michael: No do it, do it. I dare you.
Dwight: Punch him as hard as you possibly can in the face.
Michael: Not, not as hard as you can, just a good, solid punch. Come on! Come oooon...
Toby: I'm not going to punch you, Michael.
Dwight: Are you really not going to punch him?
Toby: No, why would I punch you?
Michael: Son of a bitch.
Ryan: You should have hit him man, guy was asking for it. Once in a lifetime, man.

Randy: Stan. Stan! How do you tame a horse in Minecraft?
[naked and at Stan's door after finding out a parental lock has been put on the TV]
Stan: What?
[barely awake in bed]
Randy: What is Minecraft and how do you tame a horse in it?
Stan: You guys don't need to be watching that stuff.
Randy: Oh! Come on! You can't block your parents from watching informative murder porn! What? Ya-you think if we watch shows about married people killing each other all the time we're gonna go out and do it? That's stupid! I'm not going to go out and kill your mom just because I watch Investigative Discovery, Stan. I'd be impossible to clear away all the DNA evidence anyway! Even if I hired someone else to kill her, I'd have to kill that person, too, because 96% of the time that person eventually tells the truth! I thought this through a lot!

Well knowing doesn't mean a damn thing so go out there and find something.


Rountree: Should I call Callen?
Kilbride: No. If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.