You okay... he asked rhetorically.


Tony: You just have to move on. You made a mistake.
Bishop; A big mistake.
Gibbs: Learn from it. Move on.
Bishop: I will, Gibbs. Eventually.
Gibbs: Soon, Bishop. For your own good.

Actually, I'm a mess because I know he's innocent. I know it with every fiber of my being.


Well, the truth is, the only thing Thor know about dating is what I learned on reality TV. But Thor can’t take Flower on hot air balloon trip or to a private concert with unknown country music star who’s label also owned by the network.


Ray: You're a good man, Terry.
Terry: What the fuck do you know about bein' a good man, Raymond?

You sure more secretive than a Janet Jackson lyric. All I'm saying is that you got a lot of secrets, LaMarcus. And I ain't gonna be one of them.

Clifford [to Murda]

I have my periodozo.


These girls are like your children though. You'd do anything to protect them. I would.

Marissa [to Terry]

People don’t come here for the view. Are you keeping a second set of books?


Heidi: Liam, you believe me right?
Liam: Of course I do. Who do you think swiped the keys from valet?

I'm coming with you, someone's gotta keep you in one piece.

Miles [to Rachel]

Ted: Have you ever done anything like this?
Larry: Uh, I once invested in a whore house.