No. No. No! I need more time!


The last time the vigilante paid your mom a visit you got shot and I got to play doctor with you. Oh - my brain thinks of the worst way to say things.


Pam: It's just that if a vampire coughed he would do it like this (coughs into crook of elbow).
Dwight: Right, and ruin their cloaks? Do you have any idea how expensive wool is in Transylvania? 'Cause of the Euro.

To the good times and the bad... may love rule mightily over both.


Chuck: You were late.
Blair: I got caught in a text flurry with Dorota. I'm sorry.

Emily: Lorelai, don't eat dinner yet.
Lorelai: (pointing to food) This isn't dinner, it's my private stash.

It's like Alison used to say. You're not lying, you're just pre-telling the truth.


Can you scratch my nose? I feel like you're closer.


Iris: I'm sure that you've been through a great deal, and I can appreciate you feeling like this is suddenly the right time to want me in your life, but that doesn't mean that it's the right time for me.
Joe: Iris...
Iris: No, dad, it's OK. I've thought about this a lot, and it wasn't fair for me to make you the bad guy. [turns to Francine] So I want you to hear this from me. I don't hate you, Francine. I do wish you well. But we have lived separate lives for over 20 years. Let's keep it that way.

Casey: I’m sorry. I’d really like to, but…
Sydney: Something to do with the paramedic maybe? Sylvie? It’s kind of impossible not to notice the way you look at her.
Casey: You’re great, Sydney, and a lot of fun.
Sydney: You are too.
Casey: God, I really wish I was in the right place for this now.
Sydney: Maybe another time then. Don’t lose my number, Capt. Casey.

Emma: If I don't make it back --
Matt: You're gonna make it back.
Emma: Oh, baby. I'm planning on it. But if I don't, I want you to know that you changed me. You made me believe in myself. You made me believe that I'm good.

[to Diego] A good leader knows when he's gotta fight another day. Now that day's here. I'm ready. You gonna fight with me?
