Olivia: I'm working. I'm gladiating.
Quinn: You're getting your expensive pants dirty. What are you doing here?

Perhaps he does not need me as he means to wed his mother.

Lizzie [about Henry, after hearing Margaret of Anjou has taken the Queen's rooms]

Amelia: Hey um, just confirming, we can't-
Mike: Relax, I'm not gonna say anything, although I don't know why, we're both single and consenting. Ginny's a big girl.
Amelia: She still carries your rookie card and had your poster on her wall.
Mike: Really? She had me on her wall?

Policeman: Well, Mr. Seinfeld, we'll look into it and, uh, we'll let you know if we find anything.
Jerry: Do you ever find anything?
Policeman: No.

Take all the time you want. I'll be here.

Sam [to Annalise]

That's a pretty lame movie of the week you're writing.


Ken Keller's not going to die. Not on my floor and not in my sweats.


I'm in Lambert-St. Louis and I can see the Arch from here. No wait, that's a half burned down McDonald's.


Who knew what a treasure awaited on Redemption Island?


Jessica: What I can't stand is knowing that he is chained to a wall and happy while we're out here miserable 
Malcolm: We let him get between us.
Jessica: Let's not do that again. 

Hello! Don't you people ever say hello?


Chuck Shurley: I'm the prophet Chuck!
Lilith: You've got to be joking.