Bishop: I see you, McGee. Everything okay?
McGee: No. No, it’s not, because *you* decided to take over a Metro case on December 22! That is, let’s see, one, two, *three* days before Christmas!
Bishop: I had plans, too.
McGee: With twin newborn cherubs?!

Leslie, the man lived in a pit. OK, he couldn't find a place to live on the Earth's surface so he went under the ground. You're dealing with a grown man who thinks like a gopher.

Ann [about Mark]

I love a town at night when it's 34 degrees and raining.


Customer: Is this the sexy sheet section?
April: This is the satin section. What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Wow! If I knew this dinner was going to include a main course of I told you so, I would have agreed to it so much sooner.


The best way to show your love for those who are gone is to tell their stories.

The Sorcerer

Tyler: You don't just forget something like [seven months of torture.] You can't.
Saru: What's the other option? Allowing it to transform you into something worse than those who did this?
Tyler: If it means I can make them suffer like they made me suffer, then yes.

Booth: What you said to Janine, about me doing my duty, it was still my choice. It always is, every time I take a shot I take responsibility for that.
Brennan: I know, and that's why I stand beside you. Always.

You know the problem with people who run tech companies? They have too much power.


To Sam Hanna, the greatest partner in the world.


When you find the right person, love and commitment comes easy even when life gets hard.


There's a body in the back of my truck.
