Dancer: You think you're strong enough to lift me in the air?
Elliot: Uh, uh, I don't know.
Dancer 2: He's strong enough. He's Hercules. [other girls mummer in agreement and start chanting Hercules!]
Jesse: Excuse me! Excuse me! [pause] It's *Dr.* Hercules, ladies.

I love that you’re here. I hate that you have to be here for yourself.


Gee, if some snot-nosed little kid sent me to prison, the first thing out, I'd find out where he lives, and tear him a new belly button!


Stef: So it's official, huh? You're a lesbian?
Tess: I'm not. I haven't... I..I..I'm exploring.

Wednesday is history, forgotten and old. He should just let it happen. We are the future. We don't give a fuck about him or anyone like him. They are consigned to the dumpster.

Technical Boy

Stone: Thanks for meeting me.
Nikki: I only agreed to this meeting because you said you weren't going to make me testify.
Stone: I'm not.
Nikki: So what do you want?
Stone: Same thing you want. Rob Miller behind bars.
Nikki: How?
Stone: We're gonna break a couple rules to do it.

Mariana: I've got a STEAM club meeting this morning.
Mr. Adams: What's that?
Stef: I thought it was STEM?

Daisy: You are not cursed. You are not some horrible thing. I know, because you taught me that I wasn't. You convinced me that I had a purpose. That maybe my life wasn't over, but just getting somewhere. Please let me do the same for you.
Lincoln: You're wasting your time caring about me.
Daisy: I can't help it.

Benson: What was Miller afraid of? Tell me.
Nikki: I can't! Attorney-client privilege, ever heard of it?

Jonah: Check the list again.
Sandra: Well, she made the list, so she probably knows who's on it.
Justine: Yeah, Jonah, she's not gonna check it twice. She's not Santa Claus!

Jeff: There's no "Britta and Jeff."
Pierce: ... he said, fully erect.

Dr. Wells: Is she good? Better than you?
Tommy: Some of the time.