Jimmy: I wish Sahar could have given us more.
Ziva: She could only take.

Mom: What's wrong with your sister?
Lexi: I think she's having a nervous breakdown about being single or something.
Mom: Those aren't the emotions of a single person.

Drew: When's the last time you laughed?
Lauren: I'm not here to laugh.

Joseph: It's an insane day. You must be SO proud of yourself. Do you like music? Who doesn't like music? [Walking on Broken Glass comes on the car stereo, and Joseph dances in the front seat]
Emily: Can you turn this off?
Joseph: So, not a music fan.

Daphne: What a face, huh?
Emmett: Unforgettable.

When the going gets tough, you get outside of your comfort zone.


You guys need to stop being such asses and start being bad asses.


Homer: Hey, nobody's prettier than my little girl!
Marge: Mmmmm, you're looking at her through a father's eyes.
Homer: Well if I could gouge out somebody else's eyes and shove them into my my sockets I would; but to me, she's beautiful!
Marge: That is so sweet!

Doctor: Oh look, Mrs. Waterford, your baby is moving around in there. [chuckles]
Serena Joy: Offred, would you like to see? [opens the divider]
June: [whispers] Hello.

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Don't tell him what to do, just tell him how you fell.


Damien: It's a luxury and lifestyle magazine. It's for men so you guys probably haven't heard of it.
Franklin: Really? You want to go there mister manis and pedis on Saturdays.

Anything moves, shoot the shit out of it.

Cullen Bohannon