Look, maybe I was unclear. Go away!


Brother Death: I thought that I was done with killing. Seems that killing isn’t done with me. So I reckon I’ll be joining your little story. If you’d have me.
Éile: How good are you with those cleavers?
Brother Death: Too good.

Happy: Doc, are you sure this stuff will work?
Toby: Yeah, as sure as I can be with anything I buy in a Cuban pharmacy.

Abby: Is this an order?
Vance: Yes! Go be a bad guy!

Christine: What denomination are you?
Doug: I'm an atheist!
Christine: No you're not, no you're gonna pray with me. Come on, say "Oh God!"
Doug: Oh God.
Christine: Like you mean it!
Doug: Oh God!
Christine: I am saving you dammit.

Quinn: I can’t tell if he likes the watch. Is it too flashy? Not flashy enough? And what does it say about me that I was the first one in the relationship to give a gift.
Liza: My advice, don’t overthink it.
Lauren: Maybe gift’s aren’t his thing. I mean he didn’t even get Liza a ring when he proposed.
Quinn: He proposed? Like he proposed marriage? Is that a joke?
Lauren: I kind of wish it were, but she obviously said no.

Judge not lest ye be judged (although she need to be judged).


Michelle: Casey!
Casey: Here.
Michelle: Hey, kid, life tip. You can't go four months letting someone call you Anna Maria.

Blake: What's the deal? Something's not right Spencer.
Reid: What do you mean? Why'd you come back?
Blake: Don't answer a question with a question.
Reid: Look - a while back I had some medical issues. Headaches. And there was a geneticist that I reached out to.
Blake: And this has to with the case...how?
Reid: I think that my friend might be able to help me see something that we missed.
Blake: You have four of the best minds I know back at the station.
Reid: I know but sometimes a different perspective helps me think better, okay?
Blake: Why are you being so ambiguous?
Reid: I don't know what you mean.
Blake: Well you're not using words like "him" or "her". You're saying things like "they are"..."my friends"....
Reid: So?
Blake: It begs a bigger question. Why did you ask me to bring you here?
Reid [with the telephone ringing]: Can we just talk about this later please?
Blake: No. Why not Morgan or J.J.?
Reid: Alex, please....
Blake: Just answer the question.
Reid: Because I don't want them to know about...her. Okay? It's nothing bad. Just personal.

Turk's Narration: Man, the way Dr. Miller stares makes me all itchy. What can I say to let her know I'm in control?
Turk: Have you ever slept with a black man?
Dr. Miller: Just finish the procedure please.
Turk's Narration: That's a yes! And now her mind will drift back to that wonderful day. Wait for it... And there it is.
Turk: Dr. Miller, please, feel free to drift off. Although there is a lot of bleeding.

Jake: And by the way, it is infested with spiders!
Jenkins: Ah, well, spiders are our garden friends, Mr. Stone.
Jake: Jenkins... they're three feet long.
Jenkins: ...Ah. I see. I'll order some bug spray.

Cause you know, I got handcuffs.
