It’s called sex and drugs and rock and roll. It’s not yeast and water and dinner f-ing rolls.


Nick: You seeing anyone? I... I’m just making conversation. My... my artery is exposed and it kinda limits my game.
Lexie: Okay. Yes... kind of... I am.
Nick: Nice guy?
Lexie: Yeah. He is. Well, he is kinda nice guy disguised as a jerk.
Nick: Oh yeah, I... I know that type. My... my girlfriend was a nice girl disguised as a vapid narcissist. But then it turned out she really she really was just a vapid narcissist.
Lexie: Ouch!

Emma: We need to talk.
Hook: I've found that when a woman says that I'm rarely in for a pleasant conversation.

Emmett: I didn't know you had company.
Carisi: We just want to talk to you a little bit about Bailey Shaw.
[Emmett runs. Carisi tackles him]
Carisi: I forgot to tell you, you're under arrest for kidnapping.

Mr. Giraffe who lets little boys grind on his rump. Or Mr. Octopus who, who let's little boys grind on his rump.


Dumbarton: So what do you want?
Delaney: Tea.
Dumbarton: Tea?
Delaney: You tell Carlsbad that I want tea.
Dumbarton: You know, Carlsbad said that Delaney might just be crazy enough to take us all on: The King, the Company, and the free 15. Maybe she was right.
Delaney: Well, you tell Carlsbad, from me, that I will cede sovereignty of Nootka Sound to whichever nation offers me the monopoly of the trade of furs for tea, from Fort George to Canton. A monopoly. That's what I want. All the tea in China.

Phoebe, you can go out with a creepy guy any night of the year. I know I do.


Picard: I’m not sure about this plan.
Riker: Because it’s not really a plan, it’s a ruse.
Picard: Yeah, that’s the part I don’t like.

JJ: Look we really shouldn't meet like this.
Cruz: I know but we have to talk about something. Want to grab breakfast?
JJ: Yeah, okay.

Maggie: This patient. Indigent. No insurance?
Barry: Afraid so.
Maggie: The hospital's gonna have to eat up the cost.
Barry: What are ya gonna do?
Maggie: We'll give him the best care humanly possible. No expense spared.

You know from the moment I met you I knew You were a man of fine taste.


Homer: Now, Lisa, I know you miss your whale, so I got you a pet that will never die: An invisible dog.