Well I'll be sodomized on Christmas!


There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths that lie beneath the surface.

Dexter Morgan

William: Tell me again why we couldn't just take the tunnels!
Mia: There's heat on the canaries right now. The tunnels could be blown, so we get to do this the hard way.

Pain, life, power.


Betty: I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry for everything. I’m so sorry for the fight that we had. That I wasn’t a better sister to you, and that I wasn’t able to protect you or save you.
Polly: Betty, none of that matters now. All of that pain, all of that suffering just fell away.

McCoy: This case is front page news, Nolan.
Nolan: It is. But with all due respect, that's irrelevant.

Tara: Your mother thinks this is about protecting me.
Jax: I am protecting you.
Tara: From what?
Jax: Donna, Abel, Sack. Take your pick.

And since when do you wear black? Trying to be edgy, are you?

Aunt Zelda

Chlamydia affects nearly 100% of Jan Coopers.


Bob Lee: I want my lawyer.
Director: And I want tickets to Hamilton for Christmas.

OK, Alison's grief coordinator. It's a self-appointed position. How many tears should we cry? Will ten suffice?


A little early for rum, isn't it?
