Sam, something is going on, but I don't know what's going on.


Tell me are you or are you not the woman who apologizes when she hasn’t done anything wrong; who smiles when what she’s really feeling is angry; who takes back her man, folds his socks, after he’s slept with half of Nashville. Go ahead, walk away. Just know what life you’re choosing when you do it.


Officer Sweetie Pie, are you ready to get back to work?


Marshall and I have been together for fifteen years and the only debate about Tommy Boy we've ever had, is whether it's awesome or super awesome. That's love bitch!


Brennan: What are you writing now?
Filmore: Just an observation that Americans are hubristic and Canadians must deal with this challenge in future cooperative ventures.

John: That man needs medical attention.
Gretchen: You're medical. Give him some attention.

Alex: How's it going in here. Cops need a deadline.
Richard: Ten to twenty years is my guess.

Rest in peace, Cocoa Puffs.


Those aren't even real dreads. They ain't rasta they imposta.


Blair: Chuck, go home!
Chuck: Match, Blair. You proved that you can score a prince. Okay, I admit you made me jealous. Now let's go back to my place so you can collect your prize.
Blair: Stop this. You're embarrassing me.
Chuck: What? It's not me who's disrespecting these fine people, it's you! Pretending you're going to marry this French phony. It's a joke.
Serena: Chuck, no one's laughing. Don't do this.

That inner thigh... we don't want that sunburnt.


Josh: Babe! You're not a millennial.
Liza: Yeah, and Dr. Dre is not a doctor.