Alan: Jake, for the last time, nobody got "creamed", no one won, no one lost.
Jake: Yeah except for us, twelve to two.
Charlie: Well, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's whether or not you beat the spread

Survivors of suicide tend to have the most difficult grief journey.


Bill: So these uncharted waters… is there any chance of what happened the other night happening again?
Libby: Or we could experiment a little. What we did the other night I gather that there’s a way that we can do it to each other at the same time. I believe there’s even a number for it.

I do not appreciate blackmail calls in the middle of the work day!


Didn't I throw you out a window?

Jessica Sanders

Danny: You could have told me that Adam was Corinne's husband.
Grover: And you could have not bulldozed my house.
Danny: OK. Fair point.

Ryan: You know my name?
Trash Face: I know your social security number. You really need a shredder.

It makes me happy. I want to be happy for two more hours.


Sorry, Dearie [giggles]. Do you think the Dark One sings? I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork."


What do you call a lunatic who's only got one case and no hobbies? Your worst nightmare.


If it wasn't going to happen with Robin, then it's not going to happen with anyone.


This boy can open up a rift big enough to let an army through.
