A friend? Stefan I know all of your friends. Elena. Me. That's it.

Caroline [to Stefan]

The perfect husband would have gotten rid of his old apartment. But I kill people. Not exactly the perfect husband.


Rusty: I know we've been only going out a couple of week, and the way the economy is, we could share a room... to save money... only if you want! Because of the economy and stuff.
Dana: Um I wouldn't mind...um, saving a little money.

Lucas: Life is more fun with surprises.
Elizabeth: The kind you seem to be full of, yes.
Lucas: Well, since our first date did not go as planned, I thought, "I need to try to make it up to her."
Elizabeth: I don't know. Dinner in the backyard, under the stars? It was pretty nice.

I have all the feelings.


Why does everything have to be fun? It is what it is.


Garrett: Look, I'm not going to say it.
Frank: Saying you're not going to say I told you so is saying you told me so.
Garrett: And now I'm telling you so.
Frank: And now you've telling me that you're telling me you told me so.

Sterile high-five!


Rodney: Man, every move that man makes, he already got it mapped out. No, he ain't bein' crazy. He ain't being crazy at all. He's actin' like a mother fuckin' fox.
CC: You think?
Rodney: Nixon? I see right where the mother fuckin' man comin' from. Shit makes perfect sense to me.
CC: How do you figure?
Rodney: He president. So we got to front some being the man, right? So on the one hand, he got his people over there in Paris talkin' peace. That's the carrot. Now the stick? He got to make those slopes thinkin' he's crazy to do all kinda shit. Bomb the shit outta Vietnam, take over Cambodia, whatever the fuck.
CC: So you think he fronting?
Rodney: That man wants out of war just like everybody else, but he can't think like that. So he gotta make those mother fuckers think he'll do any goddamned thing they can imagine. Shit. If I was him, I'd be flashing nuclear weapons and shit.
CC: For real?
Rodney: I'm not sayin' I would use that shit, I'm saying I'd be like, do not fuck with President Reggie Love because that nigger's crazy and he will drop that big mother fucker on you.
CC: Right on.
Rodney: I mean it's like this here. I mean, CC, you ever really want to cut a bitch? Sometimes you might want a bitch to think you might, but shit.

Rip: What in the fuck was that about? What kind of childhood bullshit are you workin' out at the dinner table?
Beth: Yeah, that's what it is Rip. It's the table. It's that whole fuckin' room. It's the stifling, oppressive false fuckin' fantasy of a family that just does not exist. Never fuckin' existed. You know there's four different forks and spoons on that table, Rip? There's an oyster spoon on the fuckin' table. Do we eat oysters?!? But my God, do we have the fuckin' spoon for it.
Rip: If you don't like the room, then eat in a different room, at a different fuckin' table. Look, there's a table right here. Why don't we eat right here? Waddya say?

General Eiling: Harrison. You're one of 'em. You're a metahuman.
Harrison: Yes I am. And I protect my own.
General Eiling: Who is that?
Harrison: Now that is an old friend of ours.
Grodd: General
General Eiling: That voice. It's in my head. Dear God.
Grodd: Not God. Grodd.

Sup roomies.
