If Ron brings another girl home Sammi's gonna flip out cause that will just start another war, but a man has needs, and what is he gonna wait, two months to do it? I don't think so.


Tommy: Why the hell would Frank Gallo cooperate with you if it meant admitting to murder?
Robert: What the hell are you getting at, Tommy?
Tommy: You and this firm offered Frank Gallo money for his daughter in exchange for him fabricating testimony used to leverage me. Now I'm here to make you pay.

That's my daughter. For all intents and purposes, she's eight.


Undoing the lie could undo the relationship.


Irene: Stevie.
Steve: Yes?
Irene: You can’t be jealous of your own club.
Steve: I’m not jealous.
Irene: The better he does, the better we do.

Devi: I have heard some of them talking about selling me into slavery.
Cato: No, that's not going to happen.
Devi: I'm not even American. They can't do this!
Cato: Yes, they can but they won't.

This is the real treasure. No one's ever going to mean more to you than your day ones. those friends you knew when you were still figuring your shit out. I only got one day one left.

Lil' Ricky

Oh God it's like Mildred Pierce. We gotta get you laid.


Mariner: Oh boy, we’ve got an ancient mask situation here.
Tendi: A what now?
Mariner: This is like the third time it’s happened. STOP TOUCHING MASKS!

One tends to worry when they're doomed to love a brilliant but reckless maniac


You're amazing, Mercedes, and you deserve it. I'm gonna hug you now.


I love how playing superhero is what we consider normal.
