Allegra: You want me to do what?
Cisco: Barry’s plan is to let the light in. It isn’t for Ramsey to spread his infection to the city, it’s for you to spread the antidote.

Alright, that does it. Screw you guys, I'm going home. Talking poo is where I draw the line.


Lilly: Why are you so invested in helping us close the portal?
Brutus: Fair enough. TLDR: I come from a long line of interdimensional monster-hunter mentors as part of an organization called the portal protectorate. Agents are trained from hatchlings to monitor the border between worlds and to step in if there's a breach. It's all very official. We even have badges!

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Sarah: Do you need anything? Do you want some lemon aide or um cookies?
Drew: Yeah, if this were 1950 thanks.
Sarah: Well, Perhaps I'll bring you a martini and some pot. I'm just kidding, you should not do drugs or drink. Stay in school; don't cut your own bangs. These are a few of my mottos.

He's a grown man. I think he will land on his feet.


Homer: What should I buy first, a mirror that gives me advice or Hitler's baseball?
Mirror: My advice is to buy Hitler's baseball.

Moe: Pretty much if it moves, you can bet on it.
Homer: What about the Detroit Lions?
Moe: Hey, lay off Detroit. Them people is livin' in Mad Max times.

Why don't we chop off her head, like last time? Need a volunteer?

Yo-Yo [on Aida]

CEO: Projections are made up numbers. We didn't do anything wrong.
Shaw: Then why cut out the CFO?
CEO: She has no financial imagination.
Shaw: And Alex did?
CEO: He followed orders. He was a former soldier so I knew he'd do what he was told.

Hen: You know, you once told me, that it's the not knowing that haunts us. You were talking about yourself.
Athena: Well, I've seen what comes from living with ghosts, the toll it takes.

Ethel: Betty, I don’t think Jughead’s into you anymore. We ... connected ... when we played the game together, and things got pretty hot and heavy in the bunker.
Betty: [In her mind] This psycho b****.
Betty: Oh, he definitely told me about how you blackmailed him into kissing you.

Hugh: I didn't believe it until now. Welcome to the Borg Reclamation Project. I don't know what you're doing here but I'll help you in any way I can.
Picard: Well, I'll take a friendly face.