You know her? That's your dad's girlfriend, right? She sprayed me with the hose once. I liked her.


Bart: Hey, what's this?
Principal Skinner: Oh, that's my old unit from Vietnam. I was their sergeant, they were my loyal troops. (photo shows Skinner saluting and his men scowling at him) That photo was taken shortly before I was shot in the back which was very strange because it was during a Bob Hope show. I was trying to get Joey Heatherton to put on some pants, for God's sake.

Mr. President, how may I be of service?


But I don't care! People's got to stand up for what they believe in, Mr. Stone. We've got to... (Eli and Mosley in unison) brave.

David Mosley

Cassandra: Is this the Time Machine Room?
Eve: Of course, it's the Time Machine Room. The Library *has* to have a *Time Machine Room*!

The Dark Army told me that Stage 2 is ready. When you see it, you'll be pleased. It worked, Elliot. It's up to us now. Let me show you.


Javi, when did you start wearing cologne to work?


I don't even remember who peed on your sofa. But if I was a gambling man...


Illusion is needed to disguise the emptiness within - Arthur Erickson


Five: I need some time to think about it.
Handler: Fine. But remember Doomsday is right around the corner, and the way things are going, I’m your only option.
Five: Not yet, you aren’t.

Walter: Well surprisingly, female mosquitos are attracted to sterile males.
Toby: That's probably how I landed Happy.

Will: I respect LeBron James. I admire LeBron James, but comparing him to Michael Jordan? C'mon.
Nat: You only think that because you're a Chicago chauvinist.