Klaus: You are beyond pathetic, Elijah.
Elijah: Who's more patheitc? The one who sees hope to make his family whole? Or the coward who can only see the world through his own fear?

Siobhan: What about the brunette?
Tyler: She's fun but I've always had a thing for blondes.

You're a sex therapist, Karen. Get on board of that party train!


Look at that guy. We were gym buddies and then I was busy being a nice person and then he jumped in there, and I mean in there literally.


Sylvia: My horoscope told me I would meet the man of my dreams today.
Homer: Well, a horoscope wouldn't lie to a pretty girl like you.

There's a Hello Kitty convention in town, we can get matching tattoos.


Ben: Should we talk about how you claimed your mom was a Filipino woman you've never met.

Leslie: Should we?

Mom, you cannot run away like that, okay? This is Brooklyn. It's one of the most dangerous places in America. You don't know the terrain. You're not Lil' Kim.


I couldn't even look at my husband. Not because I was angry that he'd given up, but because I couldn't face that he may have been right. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder if I made my son work too hard to die.

Dr. Christa Lorenson

Beckett: Six months.
Castle: Six months what?
Beckett: We dated for six months.
Castle: I didn't ask.
Beckett: Yea, I know. You were not asking very loudly.
Castle: I know, I'm like a Jedi like that.

David, look at me. Look at me. Something's wrong. Something bad has happened to you. Something terrible. You don't hide that from me. You don't lie about it to me. You give it to me. You let me share it. I love you. You are my heart. What happens to you happens to me.


Maude: My bladder's going to burst.
Ned: Now I know you've had a few too many waters, but that is no reason for the sailor talk.