You smell like sex and salmon.


Dr. Julius Rowe: With all due respect Ma'am, I'm done wasting my breath on you, because the purpose of this hearing was to determine if Mike Ross had reformed, but you don't seem to be interested in that because you've already made your mind up.
Anita Gibbs: Maybe I have.
Dr. Julius Rowe: Then maybe you shouldn't be on this committee.

I wouldn't waste my time sucking... I would, however, waste a little time getting a new shirt. You're wearing a dish rag.


Good evening, National City, it's Cat Grant. Yes, I've been away for awhile, but I'm back. Now I can imagine that you're feeling afraid and feeling like your world is spinning out of control. But believe me, you have a power. And right now, you have a job to do. Resist. Resist these invaders with everything you've got. They come with empty promises and closed fists. They promise to make our world great again, and yet they know nothing about the people who make this world great.


Okay, so he's not the killer. He just steals cell phones off dead guys.


Mike: We love tiramisu. Am I wrong in saying that?
Robin: No, no, no, I mean it just sounds a little bit weird, doesn't it? We love tiramisu. Is it really a group activity, loving tiramisu?

Mason: What did you think would happen? That you'd get on your proud little soap box, make a speech and they'd just slink away into the darkness?
Rufus: Please don't do this.
Mason: You asked me to pick a side. Well, I did. Now I suggest you reconsider your allegiances, because once she's trained, you become expendable.

Like my spirit could go up inside your energy.

Ryan Reynolds

Paula: Well, even if Tariq is lying about his grandma, instead of gaming him let's find out why he needs the money.
Davis: Long as I get mine, that's all that matters.

Mort: Am I the only one with a gold star on their uniform?
Klaus: It's just for record-keeping. Ok let's go!

If we lose, we should throw possums.


I'm starting to feel like the black widow. Meet me at a party and bam!
