Debbie: Can we get some details?
Harry: Dirty deets, as the kids say?

Cotton: Another failure to add to my list.
Anne: Your only failure is not becoming your father, and that is no failure.

Let me put it like this. A victim of abuse is being hauled off to jail. And in my opinion, that's a lousy outcome.


Has she had you for breakfast, Stan?

Agent Gaad

Why is her crap on my desk?


Half-Sack: It's a little bit painful when I ride. Sometimes I feel it when I walk. Other than that, back to normal.
Tig: Is it gay that I want to see it?
Bobby: Gay curious.
Tig: Come on, drop 'em.

Does it still qualify as a miracle baby if the whole thing was caused by some sociopath that's attacking innocent people at random?


Ellen: I understand that you swim in a vast universe of gray area, Russell, but there are some of us that can still see a clear and distinct line between what's right and what's wrong.
Russell: Well now you're just trying to hurt my feelings.

I don't care what they say, I just want to eat. Which I realize is a lot to ask for... at a dinner party.


Pete: What's that?
Frederic: An invitation to endless wonder.
Pete: Okay, could you sound a little more creepy?

Cam: Poker face, poker face.
Mitchell: Ok, now work on your poker voice.

I would totally put that suit on... eBay.
