Pete: Hey, hey! Jack Daniels! What's crackin'? Look, my hot cousin, her volleyball team has a game tonight - tall girls, tiny shorts - you in?
J.D.: Uhh, I think I'm gonna pass.
Pete: Ohh, I get it, all right - you're still in Perr-a-reeno's corner. But that's okay, buddy! Look, just a word to the wise, all right? Just be careful who you hitch your wagon to. I mean that. (he spies a hot nurse) Yikes! I gotta go, okay?... Hi! Could I buy you a house?

Adalind: Just think of it as fairy dust!
Diana: Mom, there’s no such thing as fairies.

Chuck: You spend extra time doing your hair tonight, Nathaniel?
Nate: Ha ha. I don't mind that Dan made me gay.
Chuck: No, I was actually a little offended he didn't make me gay. Personally I thought you'd be more annoyed being conflated with Eric.

People look for someone to blame when they’re grieving. Now you know you’re not to blame, nor are our agents. So let's take down the bastard who is to blame.


I painted a tunnel on the side of the library. When it dries, I'm going for it.


Think of me as a sister! A sister ... that you ... had a baby with!


I was sent to camp so my parents could argue in private.


Eventually you and NASA and Twitter will catch up.


Pop, it's Sunday dinner, not Face the Nation.


Clay: Look, I'm not leaving you, okay? This isn't the answer.
Ben: You said so yourself. Military and politicians ain't gonna put us back together. Maybe this'll wake 'em up.
Clay: Look, my... my buddy shot himself four years ago in the V.A. parking lot. You think it made a difference? I'm not letting you follow in his footsteps. Look, the only thing that the American war machine has proven that it's capable of is chewing up and spitting out its war fighters. But we gotta stay in the fight. I told you, our war is over. It's over. But guys like you are worth fighting for. I went from being considered one of the biggest badasses on the planet to an object of pity at work and a threat at home. And it put me right where you are.Weeks ago, I had a rifle, a spot picked out in the woods, I didn't see a path back. And then someone found me, and they led me out.
Ben: Wish I had teammates like that.
Clay: This fսcking war is in its third decade. Man, guys like us, we're not alone. Maybe that's why I was saved, so I could be here for you. Your brother.
Ben: You really think that's how this shit works?
Clay: I don't know, man, there's gotta be some point to all of it, right? I'll help you find it. Hey, look at me. Just give me the gun.
Ben: Thanks, for looking out for me.
Clay: Easy day.
Man: Security!
(Clay is shot in the chest two times)

No, no one's bait, but we can't be bodyguards every night.


And, from the looks of it, all's good in my 'hood.
