Mindy: Can you please just call your mother. She's probably over it by now.
Danny: Italian people don't get over things. They let it fester and ferment and grow stronger over time. That's why our wine is so good.

Holly [in Spanish] Lindsay Lohan is totally crazy, right?

[ending voiceover] This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you have served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.


Anything happens to me, Haynes is going to turn this place into a slaughterhouse.


Juliet, I don't like tattletales much more than I like young women who use their sexuality to further their academic careers. So if you will please excuse me, I'm going to try my best to to enjoy this performance. Which, hopefully, is a little more graceful than the one I've just seen.

Dean Reuther

There is nothing classier than boring jazz music...I am here to tell ya.


You're going to get on that train, and you're going to go to New York, and you're going to be a star. Without me.


Liv: Ugh, nice creeps are the worse. Men. Are. Garbage.
Clive: Liv.
Liv: Not you, Clive. You're the best. You know that, right?

April: She is amazing. I have a total professional crush on her.
Danny: I have a totally non-professional crush on her.

We all got a role to play. You need to take my example. Be a leader. This is our time. No such thing as men's work, women's work anymore. We got just as much right to--


If we die, it is at her hands. And if we live I will never forgive her for this.


Cyril: Well, you did set the raft on fire.
Ray: Oh my God, you always take his side!
Cyril: I never, ever, EVER take his side!