Maybe Joe is not the monster you think he is just like I'm not the man you remember.


Lily: I could totally let you down. Has that thought not occurred to you?
Marshall: Not even for one second. Not having a baby would suck, but the idea of you letting me down, that's impossible. That would be like aliens landing. That's a bad example.

Isaac the fornicator. Hide your wives, hide your daughters, hell, hide your sheep!


Serena Joy: You're an editor; is that right?
June: I used to be.
Serena Joy: Good. Read over these for me.
[long pause]
June: I'll need a pen.

Renata: Gordon, I'm not gonna not be rich. I'm not gonna have you...
Gordon: Listen, I was thinking this could be like a positive thing, you know, like there are chapters of life.
Renata: [through her teeth] I will NOT not be rich!

Frankie: He doesn't mean to be a dick.
Craig: Yeah he does. That's his thing.

Ash: Check it out. I'm better, stronger...
Brock: Faster? Bullshit. It looks like some piece of shit made in China.

Meredith: But, you are what you allow. And if you let them pluck off your shiny little insect wings, they will.
Jo: Um...okay.
Meredith: So don't let them, don't let me. Understood?

Holly: A puppy? You bought me a puppy?
Tommy: Haven't you ever seen a movie? Puppies fix everything. You said you were lonely, so I got a bitch for my bitch.

Shane: She's not coming is she?
Andy: No, she's not.

We keep this up, we're all going to do big things this season.


He looks like Fred Flintstone.

Gary (about Big Easy in a little car)