I know you're trying to help Nic, but this line that she's about to cross will destroy her. Do you want that on your conscience?


You might say, 'Don't do it, Winds! Leave these poor people alone!' But I'm a prankster. Tee-hee-hee-heeeee. I just wanna see what will happen.

Mr. Santa Ana

We're nothing like each other. He wears cargo shorts, I wear slacks. He surfs, I fear the ocean, out of respect.


You stole my powers. Was that your plan all along?


Joe: Shit. Ron will never hurt or scare you or your mom ever again, and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you had to see that, but it's over. It's all over now for her, right?
Paco: He's a bad man.
Joe: Yeah, he was.
Paco: Does that mean it was right to kill him?
Joe: Sometimes we do bad things for people, it doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important.

I may love broadway musicals, and have a keen eye for fashion, but that's where it ends.


Pete: Vacations with your wife, it's not a valid business deduction. Uh, ring ring! Hello? Oh, Mr. Tax Computer. How are you? Who are you looking for? Nick Morelli? Yeah. Stings, doesn't it.
Nick: I'm gonna sting your ass.

"He's a fighter, he's gonna be okay."


He's a heartless bastard.


Michael: What do you know about that statue?
Laurel: That? That's the Chosen One. Story goes that before he disappeared our father planted a single seed of hope; a baby. In a world ravaged by war - a world where angels would attempt to exterminate man - that baby was the last pure heart. He would grow into a man and be tested. If he could overcome those tests, he would become the healer of angels and mankind. And if he couldn't, he would become their destroyer.

Jonah: Well, why didn't you say anything?
Garrett: Because why bring something up just to make your friend feel bad?

Bender: Whoa, mama! Get a room, you two!
Man: We're in a room!
Bender: Well then lose some weight.