Beth: Where’s Courtney?
Pat: Her father’s here.
Beth: Starman’s here? Alive?
Rick: Well, he can help…
Pat: Except her father’s not Starman, all right.

I'm trying to be a grown up here and that's like a first for me.


Now you? I don’t know who the hell you are, ‘cause we didn’t have a black.


I've tried to keep my girls kinda low profile in terms of all that media stuff so if we can just avoid the tweets and selfies and all that, make it just us, just family.

Rayna [to Luke]

Officer Nolan: I want to give you a hug.
Officer Bishop: Do you want to get tazed?
Officer Nolan: Pass.

Oh no you don't cursed crusaders. First a ride, the next thing you know you're dancing and then my date is dead in my arms.


Darryl: 'And I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. They will know that I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance on them.'
Roxie: Pulp Fiction?
Darryl: No, Ezekiel. Twenty-five, seventeen.
Roxie: I wouldn't have pegged you for a Bible thumper.

McGee: Not a hacker, either.
Ziva: How do you know?
McGee: My firewall hasn't been penetrated.
Tony: Lubricant helps, but everybody has dry spots.
(Ziva laughs)

Don't let your ego drive the boat. People will get dead.


Cholmondeley: Show me this cow shit. Pigeon shit? Yeah, better. Now wood.
Delaney: Some birch, but it's mostly hazel.
Cholmondeley: Oak's better. What about piss?
Delaney: I'm sorry?
Cholmondeley: Human urine is by far the best for leeching the ash. Especially with traces of alcohol. How many humans live here?
Delaney: Three. I sent them away. Ask me no more questions and speak to me only of chemistry.
Cholmondeley: If you mix the pigeon shit and the cow shit at a ratio of around 60/40 in favor of the pigeon, and if you burned this stack of wood today, you could soak the ashes with 50 gallons of human piss and leave for a minimum of a year, and then, my friend. you would have gunpowder.
Delaney: I don't have a year.
Cholmondeley: Well, I have a theory that the introduction of several barrels of saltpeter that have already been refined at the start of the process can cut the leeching stage down to 4 weeks.
Delaney: Theory?
Cholmondeley: Yes, but my theories are always right.
Delaney: As far as I know, there is only one place one can find refined saltpeter.
Cholmondeley: Two: the bat caves of Burma, where the batshit refines itself, or the warehouse at the East India company.
Delaney: You are hired. As to the saltpeter I will get it for you.

Senor Chang: Why are there costumes? These are supposed to be short conversations, they're not supposed to.
Jeff: Take your breath away?

Fry: Business is great!
Bender: Eh, great is OK, but amazing would be great.