The best thing you can do in a case like this is to work it, so it doesn't work you.

Catherine [to Penny]

This is what it's come to, eh? Deciding which prison I'm going to die in.


Mother: I can't let you hurt yourself for me after what I did to you.
Henry: Now you care about my feelings?
Mother: I always cared.
Henry: Why did you leave?
Mother: When I first brought you home from the hospital, you wouldn't latch and I was so overwhelmed. And that panic I felt never left me so all that energy I should have put into loving you, I put into not falling apart. Eventually I chose my own happiness. But I knew you were strong. Your father would love you in a way I just couldn't and you would be okay.
Henry: You have no right to say I'm okay. I prayed every day when I came home from school that you would be there. And every day when you weren't, a little part of me died. I was a little boy who loved his mother and you left me.

There's only two things to do at the docks; kill someone or go fishing. It's a little late to go fishing, isn't it?


You just enjoy your coffee, sir, while I tell you a funny story about my neighbor's cat. His name is Mr. Wiggles, and his cat's name is Benson.


Schmidt fired me and now I'll never get to use this briefcase I bought and it was $19!


Wow, when did you start following all the rules?

Daphne [to Bay]

Vince: Johnny, you're burnt to a crisp.
Drama: Nah, in another hour it will turn to a nice Maple syrupy brown

Jane: And like I said, I love you.
Petra: Well, thank you. I appreciate your explanation.
Jane: You have to say it back.
Petra: I don’t want to.
Jane: Petra…
Petra: Can I say it in Czech?
Jane: No, I want it in English right now.
Petra: Fine. I love you too. Just don’t cry in front of J.R. Ever

Shall I get a broom then? Or would you rather continue crying over the shattered fragments of your young dreams?


The company's building a cage for this entire moon. I can't just sit by and watch. You work at the RAC. I don't want to get you in trouble.


Echo: I have 38 brains. Not one of them thinks you can sign a contract to be a slave, especially now that we have a black president.
Wendy/Caroline: We have a black president? Okay. I am missing everything.