Maybe it's glaucoma. Hey, you can get a prescription for pot.

I'm not an eye guy. I don't know how this crap works.

All these people in here, and you came to talk to me. You like me.

You're gonna screw your way to the top. I'm impressed.

Cristina: Yesterday we were at her stupid baby shower.
Meredith: I take it back. You can be Callie's baby's god-mother.
Alex: If there's a baby to god-mother.

I'm sure she's pretty much going to go crazy or get cancer, shot by a gunman, or get hit by a truck, so don't get your hopes up Karev's big happily ever after.

You know happens when you break the rules, Mer? You get a hundred thousand bucks.

Patient: Oh, don't pretend to be smart, you crooked, little bastard.
Alex: And don't pretend you're poor, you evil, old bitch.

Lexie: He solicited a patient for money.
Cristina: What are hooking now?
Alex: No my African kid thing.

If I do all of the logistical crap, I mean it's a project the hospital should fund, right?

Lexie: Right out of your butt.
Alex: Shut up.

Owen: How'd she take it Karev?
Alex: Bitchy, cause she's a bitch.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
