Eric: Did you fire Emily?
Ari: I had to. I had to make sure you wouldn't fuck another one of my assistants. You're not going to fuck Lloyd are you?

I'd say "Hug it out," but I don't want you drawing wood.

Eric: Tom Cruise is going to play Pablo Escobar? C'mon, the guy's not even Hispanic.
Ari: Yeah, and Hilary Swank has a vagina, but she won an Oscar pretending she has a dick. That's what actors do. They pretend.

By the way, E? I know Leanna. My God! She is way to hot for you. Did you roofy her up? I didn't know you had it in you.

Ari: It's Hollywood baby, everyone strays sometimes?
Eric: Yeah, does your wife?
Ari: That's the mother of my kids Eric. Don't be an asshole

I would love to show up but it's actually anal sex night at the Gold house. So, thank you for the invite but I'm going to go home and punish my wife

Vince: I don't want to end up doing the same role for the rest of my life.
Eric: He doesn't want to get typecast.
Ari: Look at that -- there's the Joker, there's Batman, there's Spider-Man. They're all rich guys

Random Fan: Down in front!
Ari: I payed two grand for these seats. I'll get out there and launch a three if I want

Eric: We got to call Hugh Hefner to get Drama's ban lifted at the mansion.
Ari: What am I, his pimp?

Eric: Do this movie.
Vince: Can you get me suit approval?
Ari: You can wear tube socks and a yarmulke
Vince: All right! Lock it down

Vince: Don't you have to be home to your wife, Ari?
Ari: I make the goddamn rules! ... I got till... 2AM

I gotta know what you think, so I can get you to think what I think.

Entourage Quotes

They drive that way in Tienanmen Square, bitch?


Turtle: Kristin's fucking Vince Vaughn!
Eric: What are you talking about? She's back with that restaurant guy...
Turtle: She was in the middle of 40 Deuce with her hands down Vince Vaughn's pants.
Eric: She had her hands down his pants?!
Drama: Yeah, both of 'em.
Eric: Vince Vaughn?! That puffy motherfucker?!
Drama: Nah, bro, he didn't look puffy at all. He was looking real good.
Turtle: Yeah, it was kinda like "Swingers" Vince Vaughn, not Old School Vince Vaughn... it's kinda like New School Vince Vaughn

Entourage Music

  Song Artist
Song Lemon And Lime Daniel Lenz
Soul Of A Man Beck iTunes
Song Shutterbugg Big Boi iTunes