Birkhoff [on Irina]: I put this girl through facial recognition. Every database didn't get a single hit.
Michael: No background? No identity? No nothing? We might as well recruit her into Division as Alex's replacement.

If God is in the details, than I'm God.

Birkhoff: Just engineer?
Engineer: It's too cold in here. You're hoarding gear, not sides of beef.
Birkhoff: That's how I roll. Ok If you won't tell me your name at least tell me what you are engineer of?
Engineer: Your life, apparently.

Jet's ready. Bring your own peanuts.

That's why you never work with kids or animals.

You guys really have to learn to turn off your comms. Now if this week's episode of 'General Hospital' is over, you might be interested to know -- the party has started.

Yeah. Nikita Incorporated, Baby. Live and work all in the same space. Just like the Enterprise.

Birkhoff: Hmm. No.
Nikita: No?
Birkhoff: Get used to that sound, baby. 'Cause I'm not joining you on some crusade to take down Oversight. And you are not taking my jet anywhere.

Michael: I'm 10 minutes...
Birkhoff: 5 minutes.
Michael: 5 minutes from getting out of here with a decrypted box.

It wasn't a capture, dingleberry. It was a rescue. Hey, hey, I saved your life, man!

Listen, mini Ethan Hunt. You need to worry about where you're headed, because you have no idea who you're dealing with. Not only have I always wanted to say that, it's true.

Birkhoff [to Fletcher]

Owen: You're kinda of small. You'd dissolve quick.
Birkhoff: Whatever.

Nikita Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


I was the first recruit to get out, and I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Nikita Music

  Song Artist
Elephant Song The Enemy iTunes
Song Fuego Bomba Estereo iTunes
The Step And The Walk The Duke Spirit iTunes