Alex: Birkhoff, you there?
Birkhoff: Holy crap. You're alive. I thought the Terminator got you.
Alex: Still after me.

I'm throwing a net over the whole town. Every phone, camera and computer, be mine!

Birkhoff: You need to kill Nikita. I know with tortured reluctance and everything.
Michael: Birkhoff, you look like you need some air.
Birkhoff: You think? I'm on lockdown here, confined to Division. You see those two deltoids over there? They have to follow me everywhere I go. They even follow me to the bathroom, Michael.

If God is in the details, than I'm God.

And the plot thickens. What was the plot, exactly?

Jet's ready. Bring your own peanuts.

That's why you never work with kids or animals.

Birkhoff: Hmm. No.
Nikita: No?
Birkhoff: Get used to that sound, baby. 'Cause I'm not joining you on some crusade to take down Oversight. And you are not taking my jet anywhere.

Percy: Well you did have a prolonged interaction with Nikita directly, following her reappearance.
Birkhoff: If by interaction you mean kidnap and torture. Dude, she pistol-whipped my face. What are we even talking about here?

It wasn't a capture, dingleberry. It was a rescue. Hey, hey, I saved your life, man!

Owen: You're kinda of small. You'd dissolve quick.
Birkhoff: Whatever.

Michael: I'm 10 minutes...
Birkhoff: 5 minutes.
Michael: 5 minutes from getting out of here with a decrypted box.

Nikita Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


I was the first recruit to get out, and I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Nikita Music

  Song Artist
Elephant Song The Enemy iTunes
Song Fuego Bomba Estereo iTunes
The Step And The Walk The Duke Spirit iTunes