Brie: You know what they say. Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to get back to.
Jack: Yeah, I think that's true. But it definitely feels more like home now that you're here.

Brie: I saw you skating, I did not know that you were basically Wayne Gretsky.
Brady: well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me.
Brie: Yeah, that was always the problem, wasn't it?

Mike: There's something that I need you to know. Brady is the real hero. It was his idea to go undercover to help take Melissa down. He risked his life. He did it all for you. So, if that changes anything...
Brie: It doesn't. I want to see where this goes.
Mike: Yeah?
Brie: Yeah.

Brie: Brady, I will love you forever, but I need you to know that things have changed for me.
Brady: Yeah, I get it.

Brie: Please tell me we're not going to go howl at the moon.
Mel: I mean, she's from Portland, I don't know.

Mike: I'd hate to ever get on your bad side.
Brie: I doubt you could.

Brady: I wish I could've been there for you.
Brie: But you weren't.
Brady: You told me not to come.
Brie: Because I can't trust you. Because I don't feel safe with you, and I need that right now, after everything. I need to feel safe.

Mike: Brie I care about you, and I want what's best for you.
Brie: I know, and I want that too. That's why I think what almost happened almost happened.
Mike: But it didn't, and I'm glad that we're friends.

I know how this goes. I've played the hero before, but now I know real heroes are not well-paid, well-dressed lawyers making well-rehearsed arguments from the safety of the courtroom. Real heroes are the ones with the courage to do what's right. Who walk toward the things most people would run away from. They're the people who push past their fears. Who face the unknown. And hold onto their faith even when the deck is stacked against them. And I hope if you ever end up in my position. You hold onto your faith, too, because statistically, in a country where one in six women are sexually assaulted, and more women are killed by their domestic partners in this century than men who have died in war, someday you just might.

Preacher: I think I'm done with dating for a while. Too much work. Yeah, I'm going to focus on me.
Jack: Hey, I'm all for that. Besides, you know, falling in love should be fun, man. Don't stress about finding the one just get out there, have fun. Make mistakes, get laid.
Brie: Ohh, who's getting laid?
Preacher: Oh, definitely not me.
Jack: Preacher's taking a break from women.
Brie: What? Dude are you kidding me? You're like the total package. You're smart, dependable, you're an incredible cook. I mean, check out those arms; you're like a Greek god.
Jack: OK, no need to embarrass my friend.
Brie: You're going to be the best thing that ever happened to somebody when you're ready.

I don't need your protection, I need transparency.

Here I thought I fell for James Dean not for James Bond, not that I'm complaining.

Virgin River Quotes

Doc: I don’t need spice. I want to walk down the street and be able to hold your hand.
Hope: Yeah, I hate all that “coupley” crap.

Whenever things got rough my instinct was to head home because that’s where I felt safe. But I realized that the idea of home doesn’t really exist for me anymore, because you were my home.

Mel [to Mark]