Kurt: Blaine, I'm a man who's always lived in the shadows, and everyone who's come into my life has always tried to pull me out into the sun or push me out into the darkness.
Santana: [to Brittany] I've been bullied, outed, and misunderstood.
Blaine: [to Kurt] I honestly thought that I would never find real love.
Brittany: [to Santana] The world seemed so scary and confusing. It was just too fast. It made me feel dumb, just because my brain worked differently.
Kurt: [to Blaine] And then you came along and even if someone had told me that it wasn't gonna work out and at the end of all of our struggling and all of our work it would just end in heartache...
Blaine: [to Kurt] I would've said yes.
Santana: [to Brittany] A thousand times, yes.
Brittany: [to Santana] I would've suffered it all just for the tiny chance to be standing up here marrying you.
Kurt: [to Blaine] I am a work in progress.
Blaine: [to Kurt] I am a work in progress.
Santana: [to Brittany] I am a work in progress.
Brittany: [to Santana] I am a work in progress.
Kurt: [to Blaine] You don't ask me to come out of the shadows. You help me move away anything that's blocking the sun. It's time for all of us to walk into the sunshine together. Forever. Is that something you want to do?
Blaine: [to Kurt] I do.
Santana: [to Brittany] I do.
Brittany: [to Santana] I do.
Kurt: [to Blaine] I do.

  • Permalink: I do.
  • Rating: Unrated

Sue: Her chagrin is limited only by the fact that she has a brain the size of a toddler's fist.
Brittany: I can show you the MRI.

Brittany: Along with being beautiful, the three of us are National Show Choir Championship goddesses.
Santana: We are winners which is why Finn has asked us to come and shower you with the inspiration that is the unholy trinity.

It tastes just like a chicken testicle.

Brittany [on a bull's testicle]

I came up with an idea that will make you Snooki famous, but not without all the blackout drinking.

Brittany: You guys, welcome to the first meeting of the 2012 Mayan Apocalypse club.
Tina: Wait, that's what this is?
Sam: Don't worry, it's also the last meeting.

Sam: Brittany, I've always thought you were super hot and really smart, but what I didn't know was that you were going to end up being my soul mate. Who knows what the future holds for us. Probably tsunamis and horrible sea monsters. But I'm not worried about that because I have you.
Brittany: Sam, when you first joined the glee club, I didn't notice for a while. It wasn't until you did a Rich Little impression and then told me it was a Rich Little impression and then explained who Rich Little was that I knew you were special. And I can't tell you how excited I am to become your Mayan star-wife.

They said I have the most gifted mind in a generation.

I'm the angel that torches stuff with her laser eyes!

The armrests are the sweetest meat.

[to Santana] Okay, I may be a genius, but how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart?

Brittany: As a math genius, I am one of the few people who understand the concept of infinity and I will love you until infinity, Santana Lopez.
Santana: And I will love you until infinity too, Britt.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
