I call it the Wall of Weird. It's every strange, bizarre, and unexplained event that's happened in Smallville since the meteor shower. That's when it all began - when the town went schitzo.

Clark: I took a shortcut.
Chloe: Through what, a black hole?

Wait a minute, you two are trying out for the football team? What is this, some sort of teen suicide pact?

Pete, do you want to take a commercial break from the soap opera in your head? I've told you a hundred times, I'm not interested in Clark.

Chloe: Statistical fact: Clark Kent can't get within five feet of Lana Lang without turning into a total freak show.

Zod doesn't want to play Thunderdome on a planet that is desolate.

I have a feeling the War of the Worlds is coming soon to a planet near us.

Chloe: Do me a favor, okay? Just keep a low profile.
Oliver: I'm wearing green leather, so I'll do my best.

Clark: Are you saying it's selfish for me to try to save people?
Chloe: You think I want you to go? Clark, I can't imagine being in this world without you. Look, you've inspired an entire team of heroes who will be here to protect us. And maybe your true purpose is to lead your own people.

Chloe: You know, even though Watchtower's back in the game, I'm still coming up empty-handed on the Kandorian front. It's like they vanished into thin air.
Oliver: You know, that might have something to do with the fact that they can fly.
Chloe: Sarcasm noted.

What is it exactly about a telescope that merits 76 trombones and a big parade?

Chloe: Hey! Do you ever check your voicemail?
Clark: Looks like someone missed breakfast in bed with Oliver this morning.
Chloe: I'm not here to talk about my love life.
Clark: That makes two of us.

Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."