Lana: Are you okay?
Clark: I'm hanging out in a graveyard--does that strike you as okay behavior?
Lana: Hey I'm here too.

Clark: What are you trying to tell me, Dad? That I'm from another planet?!? And I suppose you stashed my spaceship in the attic?
Jonathan: Actually, it's in the storm cellar.

Clark: I took a shortcut.
Chloe: Through what, a black hole?

Lana: Didn't realize you had a dark side, Clark.
Clark: Doesn't everybody?
Lana: Yeah, I guess so. So what are you? Man or superman?
Clark: I haven't figured it out yet.

Jonathan: Are you okay?
Clark: Can I answer that in about five years?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Clark: Dad I'm glad you and mom are the ones that found me.
Jonathan: We didn't find you, Clark, you found us.

Lana: Can you keep a secret?
Clark: I'm the Fort Knox of secrets.

(reading) Dear Clark, drive safely, always in your debt, Maniac in the Porsche.

Martha: Where'd you learn your manners?
Clark: On a farm?

Lex: you believe a man can fly?
Clark: Sure. In a plane.
Lex: No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about soaring through the clouds, with nothing but air beneath you.
Clark: People can't fly, Lex.
Lex: I did. After the accident, when my heart stopped. It was the most exhilarating two minutes of my life. I flew over Smallville, and for the first time, I didn't see a dead end. I saw a new beginning. Thanks to you, I have a second chance. We have a future, Clark, and I don't want anything to stand in the way of our friendship.

I'd give anything to be normal.

Clark: Hey, this is a great place.
Lex: Yeah, if you're dead and in the market for something to haunt.
Clark: Well, I meant it's roomy.
Lex: It's the Luthor ancestral home, or so my father claims. He had it shipped over from Scotland stone by stone.
Clark: Yeah, I remember. The trucks rolled through town for weeks but no one ever moved in.
Lex: My father had no intention of living here. He's never even stepped through the front door.
Clark: Then why'd he ship it over?
Lex: Because he could.

Jonathan: I know this has gotta be really hard for you. But you gotta just hang in there like we promised.
Clark: I'm sick of "hanging in there." All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.

Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."