Zod: Unlike you, I will lead from a throne, not from the shadows. Every human, including the woman you love, will kneel before Zod!
Clark: You already destroyed my first home. I won't let you take this one.

Clark: This is the only peaceful way to eliminate the threat. Without a war, a war that no one will win... once the Kandorians are gone, there will be other threats to mankind. The world will need you. You'll have to work together to become the team that you were meant to be. I once believed that my destiny was here on Earth, but now you need to accept that destiny for me.
Black Canary: Clark's right.
Cyborg: We'll protect the world... as one.
Clark: It's been my honor to serve alongside each and everyone of you.
Hawkman: The honor was ours, Kal-El.

Clark: You want war, but it doesn't have to be like this.
Zod: Have you taken a look around you?!? It's always like this! Might makes right! Only the strong survive! Have you learned nothing from the natural world in which you love so much?
Clark: What I've learned is that no matter how much someone has hurt you or betrayed you or how much it seems that someone is evil, at their core, everyone is worth saving.

Clark: Are you saying it's selfish for me to try to save people?
Chloe: You think I want you to go? Clark, I can't imagine being in this world without you. Look, you've inspired an entire team of heroes who will be here to protect us. And maybe your true purpose is to lead your own people.

Perry: All right, you lovebirds. Tell us what it's like working together and dating.
Clark: It's never been better.
Lois: It's kind of like being on a chain gang with your ball and chain.

Chloe: Hey! Do you ever check your voicemail?
Clark: Looks like someone missed breakfast in bed with Oliver this morning.
Chloe: I'm not here to talk about my love life.
Clark: That makes two of us.

Clark: This is my lucky day to be saved.
Corben: Kal-El... take it from someone who's been there. We don't always know when we need saving.

Clark: Lois, for our first weekend away, it could have been worse.
Lois: I was possessed by a 300-year-old Scottish banshee, and I almost killed you, Clark.
Clark: But we did get to see the world's largest ball of yarn. That made the whole trip worthwhile.

Chloe: Okay, so not that I haven't seen enough of Clark Kent's private... life tonight...
Clark: I don't like where this is going.
Chloe: You took Lois on a romantic getaway to some sort of a bed-and-breakfast. And while I doubt that the whole breakfast part poses any problem, I seem to recall you having some concern about the beds and non-powered people and what would happen in the beds with the non-powered people...
Clark: Okay, stop.
Chloe: Thank you.
Clark: My training with Jor-El has helped me to manage my powers better. Let's just say that I'm in control. Of everything.

Lois: Just give me ten minutes. Then you'll get a surprise.
Clark: Something tells me you'll never stop surprising me, Lois.

Oliver: So... you, uh... save any orphans recently, old ladies, maybe, anything like that?
Clark: I did stop a bank robbery.
Oliver: Yeah, that's nice. That's fun stuff.
Clark: Thanks. How about you? Anything new?
Oliver: No. No, no. just, Oh, well, there's a--a new compound bow that I'm trying out. Yeah, seems pretty good. See how that works.

Clark: Lois, we wouldn't be late if we hadn't driven 40 miles out of our way to see the world's largest ball of yarn.
Lois: You'll thank me later.

Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."