MEREDITH: [about Derek] "You can't make a face, comment, or react in any way. We had sex."
CRISTINA: [about patient] "What about an aneurysm?"
MEREDITH: "No blood in the CT."
CRISTINA: "No drug use. No pregnancy. No trauma. Was he good? He looks like he’d be good. Was he any good?"

CRISTINA: "Katie competes in beauty pageants."
DEREK: "I know that, but we have to save her life anyway."

CRISTINA: "You know... don't be, don't do me any... don't do me any favors, its fine."
MEREDITH: "Cristina-"
CRISTINA: "You know what, you did a cut-throat thing, deal with it. Don't come to me for absolution. You want to be a shark, be a shark."
MEREDITH: "I'm not!"
CRISTINA: "Oh, oh, oh, yes you are. Only it makes you feel bad in your warm, gooey places."

GEORGE: "007. They're calling me 007, aren't they?"
MEREDITH: "No one's calling you 007."
GEORGE: "I was on the elevator and Murphy whispered 007."
CRISTINA: "Okay, how many times are we going to go through this, George? Five, ten? Give me a number or else I'm going to hit you."
GEORGE: "Murphy whispered 007 and everyone laughed."
IZZIE: "He wasn't talking about you."
GEORGE: "Are you sure?"
MEREDITH: "Would we lie to you?"
GEORGE: "Yes."

CRISTINA: [about George] "Total 007."
IZZIE: "007? What's 007?"
MEREDITH: "Licensed to kill."

CRISTINA: "You should get some sleep, you look like crap."
MEREDITH: "I look better than you."
CRISTINA: "That’s not possible."

CRISTINA: [to George] "Bambi, don't say another word until after the hunter shoots your mother."
GEORGE: "I don't like you."

MIRANDA: [to Cristina] "An intern was reassigned, so he's mine now. Have him shadow you for the day. Show him how I do things."
ALEX: "Alex Karev, nice to meet you."
CRISTINA: "Ah, the pig who called Meredith a nurse. I hate you on principle."
ALEX: "And you're the pushy, overbearing kiss ass. I hate you too."
CRISTINA: "Well, this should be fun then."

CRISTINA: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "Oh, you know. Just sitting here with my penis."

IZZIE: "I wouldn't have called you, but I can't get hold of a translator. Can you just ask her what's wrong?"
IZZIE: "Why not?"
CRISTINA: "I grew up in Beverly Hills. The only Chinese I know is from a Mr. Chow's menu. Besides, I'm Korean."

MIRANDA: "So, doctors, why aren't we attempting to reattach the severed penis?"
CRISTINA: "Because teeth don't slice, they tear. If she had wanted to chop it off, things might be different. Plus, the digestive juices didn't leave much of the flesh to work with."
MIRANDA: "So, how do we proceed?"
CRISTINA: "Sew him up... minus a large part of the family jewels."
MIRANDA: "The outlook?"
MEREDITH: "He'll be urinating out of bag for a very long time."
CRISTINA: "Not to mention he'll never be able to have sex again."
MEREDITH: [sarcastically] "Oh, too bad."
CRISTINA: "A shame."
MIRANDA: "Let's all take a moment to grieve."

MEREDITH: "Hey, why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
CRISTINA: "Why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
MEREDITH: "No reason."
CRISTINA: "No reason." [pause] "Burke thinks I moved in with him."
MEREDITH: "McDreamy and I have a case. Wait. He thinks you moved in with him?"
CRISTINA: "You're calling him McDreamy again?"
CRISTINA: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "What are YOU doing?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
