Derek: Ok, clamp. I am ready to... no. Yes, ok. I am ready to buzz the superficial temporal artery. Tenting sutures.
Bailey: There's no rush. You can take your time. Everyone here is on your side.
Swinder: You sure that's gonna hold? With all that friable scar tissue.
Bailey: Dr Swinder! Ah, actually I saw Dr. Shepherd do three different craniotomies last month, each with easily double the amount of friable tissue. They held just fine.
Derek: Next, tenting suture please.

Forceps, free from the arachnoid, tacking sutures, pateus, suction. (takes deep breaths) Starting over.

Derek: Karev, I just reviewed Izzie's most recent MRI and it doesn't look like the tumors grown since her last scan, so that's good news. Do you have an questions or concerns that you'd like to discuss with me before we brief Izzie?
Alex: Just try keeping her frontal lobe inside her skull this time.

Bailey: Ok, as you know you have stage 4 metastatic melanoma. You have a lot of surgeries, and a lot of procedures lined up for you over the next few weeks.
Richard: We've seen evidence of METS on your liver, so one of those surgeries Dr. Bailey and I will resect them. We also lined up Dr. Parker from OB to harvest as many healthy eggs as she can before you undergo any radiation.
Izzie: Right. Babies.
Bailey: Just leaving the option open for you if you want it.
Derek: But our priority today is to address the temporal lobe METS on your brain. I'm surprised we didn't catch it sooner. This kind of thing can cause headaches, seizures and intense hallucinations. But, hopefully the legion has a clear margin so I can remove it all.

Meredith: There's coffee.
Derek: (silent, puts the ring on table)
Meredith: No. Not like this. Today is your first day back at the hospital. Today is about Izzie, you have to operate on her brain. You have a gift, and you can do this.
Derek: I'm gonna shower before I go in.


Richard: Oh, Shepherd! Thank god your back. Can you swing two brain biopsies today?
Derek: I'm not operating.
Richard: Look, I know you've got a big law suit breathing down your neck, and I know you lost a patient. But, I need you back to work doing the job I hired you to do.

Meredith: How'd it go with the lawyers?
Derek: They told me my death rate. (looks at small pile) These are the people I saved. (looks at big pile) These are the people I killed.
Meredith: Okay. Well most of those people were terminal when they came to you. You were their last chance, and you take on impossible cases. Look at the clinical trial.
Derek: It's just so many people. More than Domer, Adson, and Bundy combined.

Sam: Your wife's in the chapel praying.
Derek: She's not my wife, and she doesn't pray.
Sam: Hey.
Derek: How are ya?
Sam: You know, mid life crisis. I got an earring... I got an earring, but I let the hole close up the very next day.
Derek: That would've... Would've been a very good look on you.

Derek: We still have to do the MRI. Ok. Just to be safe.
Patient: Ok... Dr. Shepherd?
Derek: Yes?
Patient: Should I be scared?
Derek: No. Should I?
Patient: No.

Patient: When are you gonna do it? Today? Oh please do it today! Do it here.
Derek: No, I don't know. I was told it was supposed to be like a grand gesture.
Patient: Oh. Well, Brad proposed to me in a supermarket aisle. He said that was the place he saw me for the first time. So, I said yes between the cat food and the tampons.
Derek: Oh, that's romantic.
Patient: It was actually.

Meredith: Hi, um...
Derek: What's up?
Meredith: I need a Neuro consult.
Derek: Ok.
Richard: Yeah, that's... you better go.
Derek: Thanks Chief. Ok.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
