Don't let her use the Latin on you.

Maura: You know what's in here?
Jane: Yummy goodness.

ane: French women don't obsess over the occasional glass of wine while they're pregnant.
Maura: French women don't shave their underarms.

Maura: And when I look at him I picture us having sex, if you get my drift?
Jane: It'd be impossible not to.

The guy who said that he really wanted my body, he meant it literally because he was a serial killer who made sculptures out of dead women's bodies.

Jane: I just don't want you to…
Maura: I know, screw up a relationship with the first guy I like who doesn't want to kill me.
Jane: Yes.

Frankie: Not the type of guy you want to bring home to mother.
Maura: Not ever his mother.

That person isn't going to be any less dead if I wait just for a little bit.

This is usually when Jane says get to the point before she's overcome with the urge to strangle me with her bare hands.

Do you doubt my ability to make forensics fun?

Maura: Did you think about any of us before you jumped.
Jane: No I didn't. I didn't think about you and I didn't think about my family. I didn't even think about myself. The only person that I thought about was Paul and that I was the only one that could help him. I wasn’t going to let him drown.

Maura: What a powerful piece of street art.
Jane: What a powerful example of felony vandalism.