Erin: Why thank you, I left my English to Brooklyn dictionary at home.
Anthony: Wow, you’re just a boatload of one liners today.

Erin: It's okay if you don;t like Jack. A lot of people don't, including my entire family and, for the better part of the last eight years, me. So, if you don't like him, just say you don't like him.
Anthony: Okay, I don't like him.

Frank: At least I know one wedding present you're getting, your choice of precincts to transfer to.
Erin: Oh gee, Dad, every bride's dream.

If Monica had a legitimate reason why she chose not to prosecute then there’s no problem. If there isn’t, then I need to know.

It’s our responsibility to seek out justice, not just more convictions.

Anthony: Since when have orders stopped you?
Erin: Since they’ve been coming straight from the DA complete with sarcasm and not so veiled threats.

Anthony: Didn’t I say to drop it?
Erin: Yeah, that’s a beauty to being the boss, I get to call the shots.

Erin: Anthony, you are a victim of a crime. Now, what do we tell victims in this building?
Anthony: There’s no reason to feel shame because you’ve done nothing wrong.
Erin: Right. Now, do you believe that?
Anthony: Of course I do.
Erin: Then act like it.

Erin: You know how many times you and Jamie have come to me for search warrants or subpoena and you haven’t had everything to get it?
Danny: About as many times as you’ve said no.

Erin: Every once in a while, as often as we can, there needs to be a green zone.
Nicky: But how do you just put aside whatever…
Erin: With a lot of effort because it’s important. Because it may just be the best tradition this family has.

Frank: How many times is that son of a bitch going to send you to take his heat?
Erin: You mean the District Attorney?
Frank: Yeah, if he’s going to pursue this ridiculous marijuana policy he ought to have the balls to show up himself.
Erin: Well, in that case, the right son of a bitch is here. It’s my policy, not his.

Erin: He’s thirty, Anthony.
Anthony: Okay, how old is she?
Erin: Twenty-two.
Anthony: Is he a good guy? Is he nice?
Erin: He’s thirty.
Anthony: Does it seem like he treats her good?
Erin: It seems like he’s thirty.