It's Homeland Security. They're not very big on sharing the particulars.

If I was smart I wouldn't be doing this.

Frank: Quit reading my files.
Henry: Well, I'm retired. What else do I have to do?

Do good work. Come back in one piece. Thank you for your service.

What my men and women do in private is their own business.

Is there an or else here? Is excommunication on the table?

Frank: I kind of went off road at the press conference.
Garrett: You kind of drove into a ditch.

Frank: He is a man of the cloth, like you.
Cardinal: Albeit a sharkskin suit kind of cloth from what I know.

Cardinal: May I quote Scripture?
Frank: Not unless you want to put me to sleep.

I'll say this, you're good at what you do. It's a pity that what you do is so damned corrupt.

Frank: How much mercy am I required to show?
Cardinal: Well there isn't any metric that I know of. You show as much mercy as you can. It's as simple and as complicated as that.

I'm not lecturing, I'm reminding. He knows how to get to you.