I don't fear it. I am looking forward to hanging out at the hardware store pestering the owner about the placement of the surveillance cameras.

Frank: The creed of every significant relationship and organization that informed my life could be boiled down to tow the line, obey the rules.
Abigail: And don't rock the boat. You're the boss. The boss isn't supposed to rock the boat. The boss is supposed to steady the boat.

Linda: What will you do when you retire?
Frank: Besides just being a burden to my children?
Danny: I thought that was a hobby.
Erin: Not that you're not good at it.
Frank: Thank you very much. One thing I know for sure, on Sundays, I'll be right here and I hope all of you will be too.

Henry: So who died?
Danny: A 33-year-old woman with a four-year-old kid.
Erin: A 40-year-old dermatologist from the upper West Side.
Frank: And a 16-year-old in East New York.
Henry: I didn't mean it literally.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.

Jamie: How is it you can make even my being a good cop into a bad thing?
Danny: I didn't say it was a bad thing.
Jamie: You'll be happy to know they switched us up for punking another pair of partners.
Frank: I'll be happy to know?
Jamie: Well no, not you.
Frank: You just forgot who was at the table.

Look I have Sunday dinner with the former P.C., a detective, a beat cop, and an ADA. Did you really think all my intel flowed through you two?

Then, Mr. Mayor, what the hell were you thinking when you personally called the presiding judge at seven fourteen this morning on the Jasper case and got bail squashed?

Frank: Either way, AG or the press, we end up looking like weasels, and by we I mean me.
Garrett: So we sit on our hands.
Frank: Not saying that, but I don’t want to make some kind of clever move that backfires and ends up washing the Mayor's hands for him either.

Jamie: You take a shot at the king, you better not miss.
Frank: My aim is true.
Erin: He's got the heavy artillery.
Henry: You can't fire him but he can fire you.

Frank: As far as I'm concerned if you worked that pile and got sick, you and your family should be taken care of, end of story.
Garrett: You're not an insurance claims adjustor.
Frank: For which I thank God every day.

Garrett: We both knew this issue would land on our desk sooner or later.
Frank: It didn't just land, it was placed by the mayor.

Archbishop: I'll tell you what, you get Officer Macklan's health claim put through and also see that he gets promoted to Detective First Grade so that his family can receive the pay and benefits that go along with it, then we can revisit this conversation.
Frank: You're doubling down.
Archbishop: I’m defending the flock. May God bless you and keep you safe.