Frank: What's the detail say about our mayor?
Garrett: In terms of?
Frank: In terms of how she treats our cops?
Garrett: They like her, to a man, so to speak. She treats them with a lot of respect and has a nice variety of snacks.

Frank: Tragedy doesn't have a minimum age, sad to say.
Jamie: It's like the modern plague.
Danny: It's worse. The plague is a sickness that you catch. You don't say, 'Hey, let's go out and score some plague tonight.' Kids are doing this to themselves.
Jamie: And you can't just go, just say no.
Frank: Yeah, but sometimes the simplest answer is the best one, and the right one, not just the catch phrase, but the point, the education.

When I think I've had a tough week I remember not as tough as being the parent of a teenager.

Mayor Dutton: Remember when you compared yourself to those old buildings, they're an eyesore until they get torn down and then they're beloved?
Frank: Well, that was just a metaphor.
Mayor Dutton: Well you know what really happens? A couple of people bitch for a couple of weeks and then life just goes on. No one is indispensable, certainly not me, but not you either.

Trudy: Now I paint the New York that I miss. The one where the loft we're in wasn't the price of a mansion.
Frank: I miss that New York too.

Arch Bishop Kern: That shipped has sailed.
Frank: Call it back to the dock.

It is still illegal in the NYPD, all city agencies, and under state and federal law. I can't just look the other way, Devon, because you decided a Rocky Mountain High is okay.

Mayor Dutton: What's the course of action?
Frank: A period of suspension.
Mayor Dutton: Define period.
Frank: A length or portion of time.

Carlton: I work for the mayor.
Frank: Me too. Here we are, just a couple of worker bees shooting the breeze.

Frank: You don't get to be the arsonist and the fire fighter.
Governor: What's that mean?
Frank: It means you don't get a big thank you for cleaning up a mess you made.

Nicky: So, given no choice, would you put the welfare of your family above the law?
Frank: Yes, I would.
Danny: Thank you.
Frank: But when the dust settled I would walk down to the local precinct and turn my self in because nobody's above the law, and without the law, nobody is safe.

Abigail: What I knew is that you're a hard guy but not a mean or petty one, at least I thought I new.
Frank: I hope you know.