Peyton: Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.
Lucas: Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from, the next smile. The next wish come true.
Peyton: But if you believe that it is right around the corner. And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it. To the certainty of it.
Brooke: You just might get the thing you're wishing for.
Nathan: The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it?
Haley: Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart.

Lucas: Lindsey. She's the first thing I think about everyday. How is she? Does she miss me like I miss her? How do I get her back? And then another day without her begins.
Peyton: Lucas.
Jamie: Chester.
Brooke: Brooke. OMG, I have to pee!
Skills: What day is it? What time is it? What the hell did I drink last night?
Mouth: Hm, Millicent, you smell so good. I have to go to work. Sure I guess I could be a little late. What do you mean I'm fired. I wasn't even that late. How am I going to pay my rent? Would you like fries with that sir?
Haley: Jamie.
Nathan: Jamie. God my girl's hot.

Nathan: Guess who i saw this morning!
Haley: I get the feeling I'm not gonna like this.
Nathan: Dan showed up at the gym!
Haley: Don't you find it creepy that your dad hangs out round a high school gym?
Nathan: He's Dan, it's all creepy!

Lucas: What do you think about this one? You think Lindsey will like it?
Haley: I think it's just like the other four shirts you tried on.

Haley: Alright, all clear you goof!
Lucas: No Peyton?
Haley: No, you need to apologize to her.
Lucas: Hey, remember all the water balloon battles we use to have up here?
Haley: Don't change the subject. Actually now that you mention it, it was Junior Year the Boy Toy Auction, we had that water balloon fight up here and you saw my tattoo of Nathan's jersey number for the first time.

Lucas: You mean your, slutty little tramp stamp?
Haley: I am so barely your friend right now.
Lucas: Sorry.

Haley: The point is, I was so scared that night, I was falling in love for the first time and I was so unsure and I did it. And while it hasn't been easy, it has being everything. We're not kids anymore Luke you know, it really hurts me what your doing.
Lucas: Lindsey said no Hales, I said yes.
Haley: Don't give me that Luke. I'm being honest with you now right now and you need to be honest with yourself. What do you want? If Lindsey's the girl your in love with great. If it's Peyton, great and if it's Brooke just please, stop hiding your heart. I mean it.

Peyton: Alright. How about, I hate you bitch you ruined my life. Does that do anything for ya?
Haley: [laughs] You know what, I do have some words for you, even though they're not mine. Lucas and I, we use to write our predictions every year, before the school year started. Sort of what we'd hope would happen.
Peyton: Lame.
Haley: You know you're jealous.
Peyton: Kind of.

Peyton: That's what he writes. But what he says is a totally different story.
Haley: Sometimes people write the things that they can't say.
Peyton: Yeah... you know Ellie once told me not to be afraid of the music, just cause it might end. Thanks Haley, you really are a good friend. And I am so happy I never shared any of my secrets with you.

[to Lucas] You know that romantic notion that all the garbage and the pain is really healing and beautiful and sort of poetic? It's not. It's just garbage and it's pain. You know what's better? Love. The day that you start thinking that love is overrated is the day that you're wrong. The only thing wrong with love and faith and belief is not having it.

Haley: What is with you and naked nannies in the pool? [After Nathan catches a topless Mom Deb/Nanny Deb in the pool.]
Nathan: So how are things at the studio? Peyton pulling out of her funk yet?
Haley: Actually, Peyton was out all night, with Lucas.
Nathan: Is that right? What do you suppose they're doing?

Nathan: I scored 35 points that night and each basket was like my own personal version of a Haley James pick-up line.
Haley: It worked.
Nathan: I played that game for you, Haley and you know what? I'd give it up for you too. Because as much as I love playing the game and the person that I am when I play it, I love being a husband and a father more.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.