I'm holding out for Keitel. When in doubt call, in the Bad Lieutenant. Plus the guy loves to show his dong. Gotta love that in a thespian.

Hank: No Charlie you look good. Like a baby. Like a big sexy baby.
Charlie: Thank you.

I love women. I have all their albums.

Abby: I think I'm actually seeing some of that Hank Moody mojo up close and personal.
Hank: Is my dong out?

Hank: So fucking mature that I want to punch myself in the dick.
Karen: Do it!

Hank: Sensible and trusting, that's me in a nutshell.
Abby: How high are you right now?
Hank: Significantly.

Hank: I'm a writer Sasha not a fuck toy.
Sasha: Don't look now but your manpon string is hanging out.

Hank: You're clearly the better man.
Ben: Yeah Hank? Like that was ever up for debate buddy.

Hank: Probably not the best idea for me to get involved with the actress who is going to play the girl that I raped, allegedly.
Sasha: I get what you're saying, but that doesn't mean I don't want one or more of your fingers in my vagina right now.

Sasha: How do I look?
Hank: Good enough to shit on.

I was just putting my thoughts in order when I was rudely interrupted by the ill affects of self-medicating.

Hank Moody: 'B' to the 'I' to the double 'L'. What's up, my nig nog?
Bill Lewis: I need to talk to you.
Hank Moody: Well, you should have called. I wouldn't have answered, but you could've left a message, which I would have quickly erased.

Californication Quotes

Try not to forget all the times I brought you to fruition. 33 to be exact.

Hank Moody

I love women. I have all their albums.

Hank Moody